Contractor --> Add Contractor --> field --> name ( name [company or own name], contact person name (director, manager..), number, documents to be ask to sir ) Transpoter --> Add Transport --> field --> Veichle Type (crane,hawai,all veichle), veichle number, driver name, drivers dl number and scan copy of dl and veichle document attachment) Violation --> Add Violation and Penalty --> Violation By (contractor OR transpoter) section violation name , add penalty --> violation type --> violation penalty rupees( penalty can be one or more 1st,2nd,3rd and so on...) Violation entry in APP Select unit --> select deparment ---> Select section --> then the form is displayed Priority selection --> Without penalty --> as usual --> condition --> description --> recommendation --> Action taken --> Image upload --> Submit With penalty ---> Select the penalty done by (Trasnporter or contractor)--> Selet the name of violator(Name of tranporter or contractor) --> Type of violation (It can be multiple violation --> Penalty amount will display automatically as we select the violation type but if the violation is 2nd or 3rd time the violation penalty amount will be display accordingly. description --> recommendation --> Action taken --> Image upload --> created date(auto create) -->Submit